Level up your brand today!

At Talesha Jones Design I believe in making effective, creative & timeless design solutions for you and your brand.

Welcome to
Talesha Jones Design!

Talesha Jones from Talesha Jones Design in the Macedon Ranges, Victoria

Talesha Jones Design is a one woman graphic design studio based in the Mitchell Shire, Victoria. Whether you need a logo, visual identity, general graphic design, print ready files or so much more, Talesha Jones Design is the place for you!

With a qualification and creative agency experience, Talesha Jones Design can help you level up your brand today. Specialising in logo design and visual identities, I can make sure that your logo is effective, creative and will stand out amongst the competition. But don’t worry, you can get all of your design needs in one place as I work across multiple areas to ensure your branding and business looks consistent everywhere your customers or clients will see you.

Print and Graphic Design

Talesha Jones Design is your one stop shop for all of your print, advertisment and general graphic design needs. With the skills and expertise to create eye-catching and effective graphic design solutions that will make your brand stand out, you’re in safe hands.

Magazine design, Magazine spread by talesha jones design in the macedon ranges

Logos and Branding Suites

Logos and visual identities are what Talesha Jones Design does best. Your brand is my passion, and helping your business come to life visually is my mission. Whether you are an established company looking for a refresh or a new brand starting from scratch, you’ll love your new look.

Branding suite, logo design, brand design by talesha jones design in the macedon ranges
packaging design by talesha jones design in the macedon ranges


So your product is amazing, but how will you get people’s attention? Stand out packaging designed by Talesha Jones Design is how. Working with you to ensure all your industry packaging requirements are met, we will ensure that your product jumps off the shelves.

So… how do we start?

  • So you want to work together, let’s get started right away!
    Whether it be your visual identity, logo design, general graphic design work, print ready files or anything else you can dream up, get in touch. We can have a chat about what it is you’re after and get the ball rolling.

  • Now that I know what you need, I want to know your brand. The better I know you, what you do and your brand, the better the project will go. No detail is too small.
    We’ll do some paper work (including a questionnaire all about your brand/business), have a meeting and get started, simple as that!

    Now let’s start leaving up your brand.

  • Now that we’re on the same page about everything, we can get going. I will begin working on your project and we will begin going back and forth to get everything absolutely perfect. This is a collaborative process.

    Once you’re happy, we’ll get ready to handover the necessary files.

  • Now that we’ve finished your wonderful project, it’s time to hand everything over.

    There will be a lot of files that I give to you via dropbox and to make life as easy as possible, I will jump on a Zoom meeting with you to walk you through how the files are organised and what they’re all for.

    After this, the projects come to an end. But don’t worry, when you need something else done or some ongoing work, just let me know. I love to build a relationship with my clients and see the brand through all the way.

Get in touch.

Want to know more?
Excited to start working together?
Not sure if I can help you?

Lets start chatting so we can work together soon.